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books/ publications

Bach, W. (2000): Klimaschutz für das 21. Jahrhundert - Forschung, Lösungswege, Umsetzung. – Worte, Werke, Utopien - Thesen und Texte Münsterischer Gelehrter, Bd. 14, 551 pp.; LIT Verlag; Münster, Hamburg, London.

Busch, B. (red., 2002): Erde. – In: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (ed.): Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 11, Elemente des Naturhaushaltes III, 614 pp., Wienand Verlag & Medien GmbH; Köln.

Busch, B.; Goldammer, J. & Denk, A. (reds, 2001): Feuer. – In: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (ed.): Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 10, Elemente des Naturhaushaltes II, 608 pp., Wienand Verlag & Medien GmbH; Köln.

Busch, B. & Förster, L. (reds, 2000): Wasser. – In: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (ed.): Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 9, Elemente des Naturhaushaltes I, 758 pp., Wienand Verlag & Medien GmbH; Köln.

Broad, W.J. (1997): The Universe Below : Discovering the Secrets of the Deep Sea. – Simon & Schuster, 432 pp.; New York.

Dixon, D. (1990): Man after Man: an anthropology of the future. – Blandford, 128 pp.; London.

Dixon, D. (1981): After Man: a zoology of the future. – Granada Publishing, 124 pp.; London, Toronto, Sydney, New York.

Gibson, G.N. & Johnston, I.D. (2002): New Themes and Audiences for the Physics of Music - Music offers a powerful yet accessible context for introducing the techniques and principles of the scientific method. – Physics Today, January 2002: 42-48.

Hsü, K.J. (2000): Klima macht Geschichte - Menschheitsgeschichte als Abbild der Klimaentwicklung. – Orell Füssli Verlag AG, 334 pp.; Zürich.

Kinder, G. (1999): Das Goldschiff. Die größte Schatzsuche des 20. Jahrhunderts. – Malik, deutsche Ausgabe: Piper Verlag GmbH, ISBN: 3-89029-126-0, 586 pp.; München.

Kinder, G. (1998): Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea. – Atlantic Monthly Pr; 1st edition, 507 pp.

Müller-Kraenner, S. & Knospe, Ch. (1996): Klimapolitik: Handlungsstrategien zum Schutz der Erdatmosphäre. – Birkhäuser Verlag, 240 pp.; Basel, Boston, Berlin.

Pálfy, J. (2005): Katastrophen der Erdgeschichte - globales Artensterben? – E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 245 pp.

Piccard, A. (1961): In den Tiefen der Weltmeere. – In: Wenzel, H. (ed.): Das Meer. – Kümmerly & Frey, Geographischer Verlag, pp.: 105-126; Bern.

Schätzing, F. (2006): Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum : Eine Zeitreise durch die Meere. – Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witch, 521 pp.; Köln.

Schätzing, F. (2006): The Swarm : A Novel of the Deep. – Hodder And Stoughton, (transl. S.-A. Spencer), 881 pp.; London.

Schätzing, F. (2004): Der Schwarm. – Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witch, 15. Auflage 2005, 1001 pp.; Köln. der schwarm

motion pictures

Achbar, M.; Simpson, B. & Bakan, J. (2003): The Corporation. – Big Pictures Media Corp., 145 minutes. the corporation

Guggenheim, D. (2006): An inconvenient truth. - Paramount Classics, 96 minutes.

Fothergill, A. & Byatt, A. (2003): Deep Blue. – BBC Worldwide & Greenlight Media production, 109 minutes. deep blue movie

Sauper, H. (2004): Darwin’s Nightmare. – Mille et Une Prod.; Coop 99; Saga Films, 111 minutes. darwin's nightmare

Spurlock, M. (2003): Super Size Me. – The Con, 99 minutes. super size me

Wagenhofer, E. (2005): We feed the world. – Allegrofilm-Produktions GmbH, 96 minutes. we feed the world


Merzbow (2006): Bloody Sea. – Masami Akita aka Merzbow, vivo records. bloody sea.

Moonsanto (2001): Fraud - Hell - Dope. - disques hushush inc., HSH09 - CD Fraud - Hell - Dope

Various Artists (2006): Belly Of The Whale : Digital music made from the sound of marine mammals. - Interspecies / ImportantRecords, imprec098.

further reading music, sonification, soundscapes, sounds

Amphoux, P. (1995): Passaggio in maggiore. Sincronizzatori e datori di tempo sonori. – In: Mayr, A. et al. (eds): L'ascolto del tempo - Musiche inudibili e ambiente ritmico, pp.: 71-82. (mp) x 2, Firenze.

Ballas, J. (1994): Delivery of information through sound. – In: Kramer, G. (ed.): Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification and Auditory Interfaces. – Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII.: 79-94, Addison Wesley; Reading, MA.

Barrass, S. (1996): Sculpting a Sound Space with Information Properties, Organised Sound, 1, 2. – Cambridge University Press.

Beran, J. & Mazzola, G. (2001): Musical composition and performance - statistical decomposition and interpretation. – Student, 4(1): 13-42.

Beran, J. & Mazzola, G. (1999): Analyzing musical structure and performance - a statistical approach. – Statistical Science, 14(1): 47-79.

Berendt, J.-E. (1988): Das Dritte Ohr. Vom Hören der Welt. – Rowohlt TB-V., Taschenbuch, 465 pp.

Berendt, J.-E. (1985): Nada Brahma. Die Welt ist Klang. – Rowohlt TB-V, Taschenbuch, 307 pp.

Bitzenhofer, B. (1982): Untersuchung von Naturgeräuschen fallenden Wassers im Hinblick auf mögliche tonale Strukturen. – Diplomarbeit FB Elektrotechnik, Abt. Ton- und Bildtechnik, Fachhochschule Düsseldorf.

Blauert, J. (1997): Spatial hearing: The psychophysics of human sound localization. – MIT Press; Cambridge, MA.

Brungart, D.S. (1998): Control of perceived distance in virtual audio displays. – Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.: 1101-1104.

Carlile, S. (1996): Virtual auditory space: Generation and applications. – R. G. Landes; New York.

Chesnut, J. (1996): The Localized Fractal Dimension as an Indicator of Melodic Clustering. – Sonus, 16/2: 32-48.

Cogan, R. (1997): Spectographic Analysis of Musical Design: Fractals in Bartok's Melodia. – Sonus, 18/1: 45-62.

Cook, P.R. (1997): Physically inspired sonic modeling (PhISM): Synthesis of percussive sounds. – Computer Music Journal, 21(3): 38-49.

Cousto, H. (1984): Die kosmische Oktave. – Synthesis; Essen.

de Coensel, B.; Botteldooren, D. & de Muer, T. (2003): 1/f noise in rural and urban soundscapes. – Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 89(2): 287-295.

Demir, A. & Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. (1998): Analysis and Simulation of Noise in Nonlinear Electronic Circuits and Systems. – Kluwer Academic Publishers; Boston, MA.

Eglash, R. (1993): Inferring representation type from the fractal dimension of biological communication waveforms. – Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems, 16(4): 375-399.

Fitch, T. & Kramer, G. (1994): Sonifying the body electric: Superiority of an auditory over a visual display in a complex, multi-variate system. – In: Kramer, G. (ed.): Auditory display: Sonification, audification and auditory interfaces. – Proceedings of the First International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 1992, pp.: 307-326, Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA.

Gaver, W.W.; Smith, R.B. & O’Shea, T. (1991): Effective sounds in complex systems: the ARKola simulation. – In: Proceedings of CHI ’91., ACM; New York.

Gibson, G.N. & Johnston, I.D. (2002): New Themes and Audiences for the Physics of Music - Music offers a powerful yet accessible context for introducing the techniques and principles of the scientific method. – Physics Today, January 2002: 42-48.

Gulick, W.L.; Gescheider, G.A. & Frisina, R.D. (1989): Hearing: Physiological acoustics, neural coding, and psychoacoustics. – Oxford University Press.

Handel, S. (1989): Listening: An introduction to the perception of auditory events. – Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hartmann, W.M. (1997): Sounds, signals, and sensation: Modern acoustics and signal processing. – Springer Verlag; New York.

Hayward, C. (1994): Listening to the earth sing. - In: Kramer, G. (ed.): Auditory display: Sonification, audification and auditory interfaces. - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), pp.: 369-404, Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA.

Heim, A. (1874): Töne der Wasserfälle. – Jahresbericht 1872-73, Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, pp.: 209-214; Schaffhausen. (see also Bitzenhofer 1982)

Heim, A. (1922): Über Vogelstimmen und Tonschrift. – Sonderabdruck aus der Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, LXVII; Zürich.

Henderson-Sellers, B. & Cooper, D. (1993): Has Classical Music a Fractal Nature? A Reanalysis. – Computers and the Humanities, 27/4: 277-284.

Heisenberg, W. (1984): Schritte über Grenzen. – Piper Verlag; München.

Heisenberg, W. (1937): Gedanken der antiken Naturphilosophie in der modernen Physik. – Die Antike, Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur des klassischen Alterturns, 3: 118--124.

Hesse, H. (1932-43): Das Glasperlenspiel.

Hsü, K.J. & Hsü, A.J. (1991): Self-similarity of the '1/f noise' called music. – Proceedings of The National Academy of the Sciences of the USA, 88: 3507-3509.

Hsü, K.J. & Hsü, A.J. (1990): Fractal Geometry of Music. – Proceedings of The National Academy of the Sciences of the USA, 87: 938-941.

Janello, D. (1996): Mathematical Randomness in Music. – Sonus, 16/2: 12-31.

Jenny, H. (1967): Kymatik : Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik (Cymatics : the structure and dynamics of waves and vibrations). – Basilius Presse; Basel.

Kayser, H. (1938): Grundriss eines Systems der harmonikalen Wertformen. – Max Niehans Verlag; Zürich.

Kennel, A. (1996): AudioGraf: A diagram reader for blind people. – Proceedings of ASSETS'96 Second Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies, pp.: 51-56, ACM Press; Vancouver.

Kepler, J. (1619): Harmonices mundi libri V.

Kircher, A. (1684, 1983): Athanasii Kircheri Neue Hall- und Thonkunst oder Mechanische Gehaimverbindung der Kunst und Natur ... Reprint, 1983; Hannover.

Klimontovich, Y.L. & Boon, J.-P. (1987): Natural flicker noise (1/f noise) in music. – Europhysics Letters, 3(4): 395-399.

Kramer, G. (1996): Mapping a single data stream to multiple auditory variables: A subjective approach to creating a compelling design. – In: Proceedings of ICAD 96. Web publication by the International Community for Auditory Display (Web document, available at

Kramer, G. (ed.; 1994a): Auditory display: Sonification, audification, and auditory interfaces. – Proceedings of the First International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 1992, Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA.

Kramer, G. (1994b): Some organizing principles for representing data with sound. – In: Kramer, G. (ed.): Auditory display: Sonification, audification and auditory interfaces Proceedings of the First International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD). 185-221. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII, pp.: 85-221, Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA.

Kramer, G. (1994c): Sound and communication in virtual reality. – In: Biocca, F. (ed.): Communication in the age of virtual reality, pp.: 259-276, Lawrence Earlbaum; New York.

Landini, G. (1994): Fractal music: the 1/f variable algorithm. – Fractal Report (newsletter), issue 20. (Reeves Telecommunications Laboratories, Ltd.)

Lichtenhahn, E. (1982): Musik - eine Antwort des Menschen auf den Anruf der Natur. – In: Traber, H.A. & Lichtenhahn, E. (eds): Tiere und Musik. - Vom Tönen der Tiere zur Musik des Menschen. – Edition Hug 11295, Musik Hug Verlage Hug & Co.; Zürich.

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McAdams, S. & Bigand, E. (eds; 1993): Thinking in sound: The cognitive psychology of human audition. – Clarendon Press; Oxford.

McCormick, B.H.; DeFanti, T.A. & Brown, M.D. (1987): Visualization in scientific computing. – Computer Graphics, 21(6), special issue.

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Meijer, P.B.L. (1992): An Experimental System for Auditory Image Representations. – IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39(2): 112-121.

Moore, B.C.J. (1997): An introduction to the psychology of hearing. – 4th ed.: Academic Press; Orlando, FL.

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Neuhoff, J.G. (1998): A perceptual bias for rising tones. – Nature, 395(6698): 123-124.

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Pereverzev, S.V.; Loshak, A.; Backhaus, S.; Davis, J.C. & Packard, R.E. (1997): Quantum oscillations between two weakly coupled reservoirs of superfluid 3He. – Nature, 388: 449-451.

Pierce, J.R. & Duyne, S.A.V. (1997): A passive non-linear digital filter design which facilitates physics-based sound synthesis of highly nonlinear musical instruments. – Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101(2): 1120-1126.

Pierce, J.R. (1992): The science of musical sound (2nd ed.). – W.H. Freeman and Company; New York.

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